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The market has changed, micro-influencers campaigns create the effect that everybody is speaking about your project, at the same time, bring great ROI the growth hack marketing comprehensive packages with challenges, giveaways, and bots.

  • Creating challenges, Bots and Giveaways to bring over 30+ video reviews from
    influencers, 100+ articles about project written by community, over 22000+ highly
    engaging community members on social media including Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
    These community members will write positive reviews on all over social media and they
    already have thousands of followers or friends on their personal profile.
  • The campaign is designed to increase number of token holders.
  • This package includes basic level of influencer marketing.

To discuss your project, please get in touch to book a strategy call at office@coincruncher.com, via whatsapp at +971 54 475 36 52, +40 725388605, orĀ Calendly.